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Does Amazon Accept Purchase Orders?

Quick Answer

Amazon does accept purchase orders for business users. They provide options for tracking and referencing orders using PO numbers, and administrators can set PO numbers to be required or optional during checkout. PO numbers can include a combination of letters and/or numbers, and they may display on shipping labels or packing slips depending on the carrier. Overall, Amazon accepts purchase orders and offers features to support their use.


Welcome to IsItAccepted.com, your go-to source for information on whether a payment method is accepted at various stores. In this blog post, we will be discussing the topic of purchase orders and their acceptance by one of the largest online retailers in the world – Amazon.

If you are a business user looking to make purchases on Amazon using purchase orders, you’ve come to the right place. We have gathered comprehensive information from reliable external sources that confirm Amazon’s acceptance of purchase orders. So let’s dive into all the details!

Does Amazon Accept Purchase Orders?

According to the information gathered from multiple sources, it is confirmed that Amazon does accept purchase orders. This feature is primarily available for business users who can enter their PO numbers during checkout to track and reference their orders.

Using Purchase Orders on Amazon

URL1 provides insights into how businesses can utilize purchase orders on Amazon. Administrators have the option to set PO numbers as required or optional during checkout, giving them flexibility in managing their purchasing process. Depending on the carrier used for shipping, the PO number may be displayed on either the shipping label or packing slip.

For those placing an order with a third-party seller on Amazon, URL3 mentions that there might be variations in where and if your entered PO number will display throughout different locations within your order details.

It’s worth noting that when using purchase orders on Amazon Business Analytics reports (as mentioned in both URLs), you’ll find detailed data related to these transactions which could help streamline financial reporting processes within organizations.

Adding Purchase Orders on AWS

If you are interested in adding a purchase order while making purchases through AWS services specifically (Amazon Web Services), URL2 offers step-by-step guidance:

  1. Sign in to your AWS Management Console and open up “AWS Billing and Cost Management” console.
  2. Enter all relevant details such as Purchase Order ID along with effective dates of usage.
  3. Select billing entities associated with invoicing purposes including tax registration numbers if applicable.
  4. Enter the shipping address (mandatory) and optionally copy the bill-to address.
  5. Select the billing period for the purchase order.
  6. Add contacts and tags to categorize various aspects involved.
  7. Submit the purchase order.


It has been established through reliable external sources that indeed, Amazon accepts payment methods involving the use of valid ‘purchase-order’ credentials provided they meet certain criteria. Amazon’s acceptance of purchase orders is primarily targeted towards business users, offering them the convenience of tracking and referencing their orders using PO numbers during checkout. The process for adding a purchase order on Amazon involves entering relevant details such as Purchase Order ID, shipping address, billing entities associated with invoicing purposes (including tax registration numbers if applicable), and configuring line items accordingly.

Overall, this information confirms that businesses can confidently use purchase orders when making purchases on Amazon to streamline their procurement processes effectively.

How to Use Purchase Orders on Amazon

Step 1: Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console.

To use purchase orders on Amazon, you need to sign in to your account through the AWS Management Console. Once signed in, navigate to the AWS Billing and Cost Management console.

Step 2: Enter the purchase order details such as the purchase order ID, shipping address, effective and expiration month.

In this step, you will enter all necessary information related to your purchase order. This includes providing a unique identifier for your PO by entering its ID. You should also specify a valid shipping address where you want your items delivered. Additionally, indicate both an effective month (when billing starts) and an expiration month (when billing ends).

Step 3: Add a description and select the AWS billing entity that you are invoiced from.

Next up is adding relevant descriptions for better identification of each specific item or service included within your purchase order. Furthermore, choose which particular entity under Amazon Web Services handles invoices associated with this transaction so they can be properly processed accordingly.

Step 4: Configure line items by entering a unique identifier, description, line item type, start, end amount, quantity, and tax information.

This step involves configuring individual line items within your purchase order. Enter unique identifiers for better tracking and identification of each item. Add a description to further clarify what the line item represents. Specify the type of line item, such as a product or service. Then, set the start and end months of each line item’s billing period. Also, input the amount (quantity), quantity, and tax information associated with each specific line item. You can add multiple lines, up to 100, for each purchase order.

Step 5: Submit The Purchase Order

After completing all the details mentioned above, you are ready to submit your completed Purchase Order. Once you are sure that all the required fields are filled out correctly, click on the “Submit Purchase Order” button to finalize the process. After submission, your purchase order will be processed, and you can expect your items or services to be delivered as per the agreed terms and conditions.

By following these steps, you can successfully use purchase orders on Amazon. It is important to ensure that all information provided is accurate and complete before submitting your order. Using purchase orders provides a convenient way for businesses to manage their transactions with Amazon while maintaining proper documentation of purchases made through the platform.

Benefits of Using Purchase Orders on Amazon

Amazon offers several benefits for using purchase orders as a payment method. Here are some advantages to consider:

1. Tracking and Referencing Orders:

One of the key benefits of using purchase orders on Amazon is the ability to track and reference your orders easily. Business users can enter PO numbers during checkout, which allows them to keep tabs on their purchases efficiently.

2. Flexibility in Setting PO Numbers:

With Amazon’s system, administrators have the option to set whether or not they require customers to provide a PO number during checkout. This flexibility ensures that businesses can align their purchasing processes with internal requirements.

3. Displaying PO Numbers on Shipping Labels or Packing Slips:

Depending on the carrier used by Amazon, it is possible for your provided PO number(s) to be displayed directly onto shipping labels or packing slips accompanying your order shipment. This feature helps streamline receiving procedures at warehouses and makes it easier for recipients within an organization who rely heavily upon these documents when processing incoming shipments.

4. Inclusion in Analytics Reports:

Another advantage offered by utilizing purchase orders through Amazon is that all relevant information associated with each transaction will be included in detailed analytics reports available via “Amazon Business Analytics.” These comprehensive reports allow you access insights into spending patterns across different categories such as cost centers, locations, etc., helping you make informed decisions regarding future procurement strategies.

By leveraging these features from Amazon, businesses gain greater control over tracking expenses while also streamlining operations related specifically towards managing financial transactions more effectively. Overall, the use of purchase orders provides convenience, reliability, and enhanced visibility throughout the entire ordering process.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can individuals use purchase orders on Amazon?

No, purchase orders are primarily for business users. Individuals typically use personal payment methods such as credit cards or gift cards when making purchases on Amazon.

2. Are there any limitations on the length of PO numbers?

Yes, there are limitations depending on the type of payment method used. The Amazon Corporate Credit Line allows up to 20 characters in the “deliver to” field for entering a PO number, while a corporate credit card or purchase card allows up to 17 characters.

3. Can I add multiple line items to a purchase order?

Absolutely! When creating a purchase order on Amazon, you have the flexibility to include multiple line items within your order request. You can add up to 100 different products or services with their respective quantities and prices.

4. Can I track my Purchase Order (PO) on Amazon?

Certainly! Business users who place an order using a Purchase Order (PO) number can easily track and reference their orders through various tools provided by Amazon’s platform. By entering your unique PO number during the checkout process, you will be able to keep tabs on the status of your shipment from placement till delivery.

5. Will my P.O Number display on the Shipping Label?

The visibility of your PO number on the shipping label depends on the carrier used by Amazon. In some cases, the carrier may choose to display the PO number on the shipping label or packing slip. However, it is important to note that this may vary depending on the policies and practices of each carrier. It is recommended to check with the carrier specifically to see if they include a Purchase Order number on delivery documents.


Amazon is a popular online marketplace that caters to both individual and business customers. For businesses, Amazon offers the convenience of accepting purchase orders as a payment method. This allows companies to streamline their procurement processes and track their purchases more efficiently.

Based on information from external sources (URL1, URL2, URL3), it has been confirmed that Amazon does accept purchase orders for its business users. Administrators have the option to set PO numbers as required or optional during checkout, providing flexibility based on specific needs.

Adding and Configuring Purchase Orders on Amazon

When placing an order with a purchase order on Amazon, there are certain steps involved in adding and configuring the details correctly. The process typically requires signing into the AWS Management Console and opening the AWS Billing and Cost Management console (as mentioned in URL2). From there, you can enter essential information such as your unique Purchase Order ID, shipping address details including effective dates for billing periods if applicable.

Additionally, you may also add descriptions along with selecting appropriate billing entities associated with your account while invoicing through EMEA SARL entity (mentioned in URL2).

To ensure accurate tracking of orders placed using purchase orders, the use of line items configuration becomes crucial. This involves entering relevant identifiers like description, line item type, start, end month, etc., alongside quantity, tax, and amount related data (also stated by URL2).

Benefits of Using Purchase Orders on Amazon

One significant advantage offered by utilizing this payment method is enhanced visibility over transactions made via POs. Business users can easily reference these transactions within reports generated by Amazon Business Analytics. These analytics provide valuable insights into spending patterns, cost centers, categories, and locations among other useful metrics (URL1 & URL3).

It’s important to note that depending on carriers used for delivery services, the display location (such as packing slip or shipping label) of entered PO number might vary. URL1 mentions how third-party sellers’ involvement could affect where exactly will be displayed.


In conclusion, Amazon accepts purchase orders and provides a seamless experience for business users. By accepting purchase orders, Amazon enables businesses to streamline their procurement processes while providing options for tracking and referencing purchases using PO numbers. Additionally, the inclusion of these details in analytics reports allows companies to gain valuable insights into their spending patterns.

So if you are a business looking to make purchases on Amazon, rest assured that the platform supports this payment method. Simply follow the necessary steps outlined by Amazon’s guidelines (as mentioned in URL2) to add your purchase order information correctly, and enjoy the benefits of efficient purchasing with enhanced visibility over transactions made through Purchase Orders!


  1. https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=201633590
  2. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/adding-po.html
  3. https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=201633090